Canadian College of Performing Arts - Victoria, BC
February 2019
Director: Barbara Tomasic
Music Director: Brad L’Écuyer
Choreographer: Jessica Hickman
“Fellow stage veteran Jessica Hickman offers choreography that’s unfailingly cheeky and fun.” - A.Chamberlain (Times Colonist)
"Choreographer Jessica Hickman has created entertaining dances for large ensemble sections." - A.Chamberlain (Times Colonist)
The Belfry Theatre - Victoria, BC
December 2012, 2015 & 2017
Director: Michael Shamata
Choreographer: Jessica Hickman
"Most memorable is Mr. Fezzi-wig's Christmas party, in which celebrants enact a minuet that captures life's fleeting joy like nothing else." - A.Chamberlain (Times Colonist)
Badlands Amphitheatre - Drumheller, AB
July 2014, 2015, & 2017
Co-Directors: Barrett Hielman & Jessica Hickman
Choreographer: Jessica Hickman
Zee Zee Theatre & The Cultch - Vancouver, BC
March 2017
Director: Cameron Mackenzie
Choreographer: Jessica Hickman
"Aiding Cameron capably indeed was choreographer Jessica Hickman who excelled particularly in three show-stopping numbers -- each of which had the crowd clapping and cheering and shouting their enthusiasm gustily and generously." - Broken Leg Reviews
The Belfry Theatre - Victoria, BC
& Prairie Theatre Exchange - Winnipeg, MB
August 2016
Director: Michael Shamata
Movement Director: Jessica Hickman
The Belfry Theatre - Victoria, BC
April 2016
Director: Glynis Leyshon - Music Director: Nico Case
Choreographer: Jessica Hickman
"Leyshon, assisted by choreographer Jessica Hickman, ensures this production gets what it needs." - Adrian Chamberlain
Chemainus Theatre Festival - Chemainus, BC
December 2016
Director: Mark DuMez - Music Director: Brad L'Ecuyer
Choreographer: Jessica Hickman
Victoria Operatic Society - Victoria, BC
May 2014
Director & Choreographer: Jessica Hickman
Music Director: Heather Burns
More than anything, theatregoers will be impressed with Thoroughly Modern Millie’s big production numbers, which are terrific. Throughout, Hickman’s choreography bristles with panache and wit. - A.Chamberlain (Times Colonist)
Glenlyon Norfolk School - Victoria, BC
November 2014
Director: Christopher Weddell
Music Director: Marvin Regier
Choreographer: Jessica Hickman
The Belfry Theatre - Victoria, BC
October 2003
Director: Ron Jenkins
Movement Consultant: Jessica HIckman
"The physical humour throughout this play is a standout of the production—mostly thanks to Jessica Hickman’s precise, imaginative choreography." - Melanie Trump Hoover (CVV Magazine)
Theatre SKAM - August 2013
Director: Matthew Payne
Musical Director: Brad L'Ecuyer
Choreographer: Jessica Hickman
Photo by: David Cooper
The Belfry Theatre - May 2013
Director: Michael Shamata
Music Director: Bill Henderson
Choreographer: Jessica Hickman
The Guild Theatre - April 2013
Director: Shane Snow
Musical Director: Brad L'Ecuyer
Choreographer: Jessica Hickman
Photo by: Tristan Shouldice
Lighthead Productions - March 2012
Director: Michael Worth
Choreographer: Jessica Hickman
Photo by: Chemainus Theatre Archives
Chemainus Theatre Festival - December 2011
Director/Choreographer: Julie McIsaac
Choreo Consultant: Jessica Hickman
Victoria Operatic Society - December 2011
Director: Don Keith
Musical Director: Hilary Coupland
Choreographer: Jessica Hickman