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Wonder-Pit: A new northern mask and puppetry show

For over a year now, my company Open Pit Theatre has paired up with The Wonderheads to develop a new northern based mask and puppetry show we are calling Northern Silence. I have worked with The Wonderheads as a choreographer/performer for their touring show A Christmas Carol and so we are furthering our working relationship by creating a brand new show that my company partner Geneviève and I will perform in. The show is set in Canada’s north, and features a young bush pilot whose plane has crashed in the Yukon in the middle of the winter. Set to premiere at The Yukon Art Centre in 2022, we will be workshopping and developing the play over the next year. Stay tuned for updates!

Earlier Event: August 20
The Gender Project - Play Development
Later Event: April 11
Radio Silence Premiere